Campbell University Student Union

Campbell University’s New Student Union

Buies Creek, NC

Campbell University’s new Student Union entered the last stages of construction in Spring 2020. One of the finishing touches was our team’s onsite delivery and installation of new cardio, strength, and functional fitness equipment. The space makes a bold and lasting impression - with custom-branding on everything from dumbbells and strength machines to lifting platforms and functional training frames, there’s no mistaking it for ANY other campus recreation facility in the United States!

Advantage became the sole partner for designing and equipping the Student Union’s fitness center after a meeting between Cora-Ann Licwinko (Assistant Director of Fitness & Wellness) and John Marcotte (ASF VP of Sales in the Southeast and our team’s lead for this project). Cora-Ann said she knew she wanted to work with Advantage when John told her we could do more than just provide the equipment - we could help her design the entire look and feel of the space.

When asked about the impact of the completed project, Cora-Ann said she is most excited for what the new fitness facility will mean to the students. From the outset, she wanted to significantly broaden the variety of equipment that students had access to. Not only has the square footage of usable fitness-dedicated space on campus tripled, but now there are exercise options that simply weren’t available in the past, due to the addition of functional training frames, TRX suspension straps, punching bags, and more.

Thank you to Cora-Ann and Campbell University for partnering with our team on this incredible project. We can’t wait to see it come to life when students return to campus!

First Floor

Second Floor

To learn more about the products and services we offer when designing and equipping a complete fitness solution, get in touch with us or visit these links:


Fitness Space Designed by:

John Marcotte
Vice President of Sales
Southeastern US


Ready to discuss your next project? Contact us to start a conversation.